As with our Scottish Tartans; each Guatemalan Weave denotes an area or district of the country where local people will weave their own traditional cloth for ceromonial costume, home furnishing, or day to day wear.
The practice:
Backstrap weaving is an ancient art practiced for centuries in many parts of the world. Peru, Guatemala, China, Japan, Bolivia, and Mexico are a few of the places they use the backstrap loom. Today it is still used on a daily basis in many parts of Guatemala by Mayan women to weave fabrics for clothing and other household cloths.
Women are the main weavers and the blackstrap weaving loom appears very uncomfortable. Women kneel and place the loom wood bean over their shoulders dine around their waist. They can last up to two hours weaving before they need a break.
We saw a demonstration of weaving in Tejido Museo near the bus garage & market in Poiniente Antigua
It costs 5Q entrance fee & 10Q guided tour (English)
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